Sunday, May 25, 2008

.... it's just a yellow lemon tee....

He is tall and skinny, he is charming, he's cultivated and, if this is not enough to make you jealous, here's the final straw: we met him along with his friend, french movie icon Mrs. Catherine Something
(sorry guys, you'll have to figure out the blind item... they told me so.)

You can see by yourself the man has a great sense of colour (click onto the picture to see the real shade of his T-shirt), and he was able to pull off white jeans, which require a perfect figure and no fashion faux-pas whatsoever.

I fell in love with his glasses at first sight, so I had to tell him.

Fun Facts
When I did, he actually wasn't wearing his glasses, he had them hanging from one of his pockets. 
He was suprised that I wanted to shoot him, and told me he didn't know how to pose, where to stand, what to do first.
Catherine had been quiet and smiley up till then, when her sarcasm kicked in to rescue his uncomfortable friend.

"Tu peux commencer par remettre tes lunettes, non?"**

**"You could start by putting your glasses back on, dear"

(Love her)

So we shot against this graphic background, while Catherine awaited aside, discreetly. 

In case you are wondering: no, I didn't ask her for either a picture or an autograph.  
Even movie icons deserve a little time off...

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