Tuesday, May 27, 2008

---<--<@ Fleur Defendue

English Text - by Marina Hermanovna

You thought last time daisies were cool was back in the Fifties (picture your grandmother wearing a plastic bonnet)? You see roses gracing a prom dress  and all of the sudden you've lost your appetite?
You think Flower Power is actually great, too bad we're not in Amsterdam?

Think again.
This young man is flowery from head to toes and his outfit is speaking a language I totally understand.
It says: "He won't buy you flowers. He'll take you to the fiercest gig in town. Wanna come?".
The hell to the yes.

Texte en Français - par Lorraine Cassen

Parité oblige, les fleurs ne sont plus l’apanage des filles, et ce jeune homme stylé nous le démontre. 
Too much, l’imprimé hibiscus associé à un jean brodé/perlé? Au contraire.
Le cardigan sage, retroussé juste comme il faut, les espadrillas vieillies et la mèche « dans le vent » signent un look à la fois désinvolte et pointu, qui nous réconcilie avec l’imprimé fleuri – suite à la déferlante du liberty sur les podiums des défilés printemps-été, l’overdose nous guettait.


Archit said...

nice blog

Anonymous said...

Wow!! I want this T-shirt!!!!


Paul Pincus said...



Pamcasso said...

I love this one.

rachelactress said...

you'r hilarious, when you write: "the hell to the yes"!! ahahaha. i love how you captured his hair, so airy and voluminous. Those jeans are beautiful. where can i get them?!